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How to Enable or disable UEFI secure boot in windows 10

Disable UEFI secure boot in windows 10

Sometimes you might have encountered the UEFI Secure Boot feature while tried to install a second operating system alongside Windows. Secure Boot is handy for preventing malicious code from running on your system. But it also stops you from booting some legitimate operating systems, like Kali Linux, Android x86, or TAILS. Here this post we have a short guide on how to disable UEFI Secure Boot to let you dual boot any operating system you like.

Before this let’s first understand the UEFI secure boot. The Secure Boot is a feature of the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) act something of a security gate analyzes code before you execute it on your system. And if the code has a valid digital signature, Secure Boot lets it through the gate. If the code has an unrecognized digital signature, Secure Boot blocks it from running, and the system will require a restart.

Well if you know the code is safe and comes from a reliable source, might not have a digital signature in the Secure Boot database that causing the block. Well in such a situation you can disable UEFI secure boot following the steps below.

Disable Secure Boot on Windows 10

Please note that turning Secure Boot back on may require a BIOS reset. This does not cause your system to lose any data. It does, however, remove any custom BIOS settings. Moreover, there are some examples where users are permanently no longer able to turn on Secure Boot, so please bear that in mind.

How to Enable Secure Boot Windows 10

Of course, you might want to turn Secure Boot back on. After all, it does help protect against malware and other unauthorized code. If you directly install an unsigned operating system, you’ll need to remove all traces before attempting to turn Secure Boot back on. Otherwise, the process will fail.

What to do if secure boot failed to enable?

Make sure to turn UEFI settings on in the BIOS menu; this also means making sure Legacy Boot Mode and equivalents are off.

Also, Check your drive partition type

UEFI requires a GPT partition style, rather than the MBR used by Legacy BIOS setups. To do this,

Note: If you need to switch from MBR to GPT there is only one option to change the partition style: back up your data and wipe the drive. And follow the steps here Convert MBR to GPT using Diskpart.

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